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Tartu GP

Date: 25.05.2024 14:45
Distance: 164,8 km

2nd stage        Tartu Grand Prix, 164,8 km (16 x 10,3 km)


14:45                Start of Tartu Grand Prix on Turu Str

15:00                Hill sprint 1: 2nd lap on Lossi street (estimated time)

15:40                Sprint 1: 4th lap on Turu street (estimated time)

16:35                Sprint 2: 8th lap on Turu street (estimated time)

17:05                Hill sprint 2: 10th lap on Lossi street (estimated time)

18:40                Expected finish of the winner on Turu street

18:55                Awards ceremony 15 min after finish of the winner

                         Final awarding ceremony of Tour of Estonia

Course map (PDF) Start/finish area (PDF) Last 3 km (PDF)

With a history that dates to 1030, Tartu is one of the oldest communities in the Baltic States, as well as Estonia’s second largest city with approximately 100 000 inhabitants. The gateway to Southern Estonia, Tartu is home to a medieval Hanseatic trade center and a modern university city renowned for its scientific achievements. It is the cradle of the Estonian Song Festival, Estonian Theatre and the Estonian State.


Tartu Town Hall Square, photo: Meelis LokkTartu’s elegant Town Hall Square in lined with classical buildings is pastel shades and al fresco cafes. The cobblestoned plaza has long been a gathering spot for citizens and visitors, particularly the city’s large student population. Forty percent of Tartu’s residents are connected with Tartu University. In recognition of this youthful spirit, in 1998 a sculpture of two kissing students was erected in front of the city’s Town Hall.



 Tartu University, Main Building, photo: Tiit Mõtus






Tartu University is one of the oldest universities in Northern Europe, founded in 1632 by King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden during the era that Estonia was ruled by Sweden. Tartu University has produced many eminent scientists and scholars of international repute such as Baltic German biologist Karl Ernst von Baer and famous Russian semiotician and culturologist Juri Lotman.


Walking around in Tartu old town one should step in to Tartu Toy Museum which transports its adult visitors back to their most joyous childhood days and offers children plenty to see and do. The permanent exhibit displays toys that children in Estonia have played with throughout the ages. The museum also has play and workshop rooms.


The alley next to Aura Water Center is the ‘base’ in Tartu of Tour of Estonia. The Aura Centre was opened on 1 October 2001. There pool, water park, health club, saunas, light therapy centre, V-salon, Cafe and during summer also a sun terrace.


Families with children will have a great time at the AHHAA science centre – the biggest of its kind in the Baltic States – which has attractions for the young and old alike. The purpose of AHHAA is to introduce science to everyone.

Science and history merge and come alive on Tartu’s waterways.  Visitors can experience the area as long-ago inhabitants did by cruising on Emajõgi River, Lake Võrtsjärv, and Lake Peipsi on an Emajõe-Peipsi barge, a unique wooden trading vessel. In Estonia Peipsi barges have sailed the inland bodies of water for more than 600 years, from the 14th century until the middle of the 20th century. The Nature Bargetrips are meant to educate people about the nature in the areas that are inaccessible by land, with trips taking place from spring to autumn.


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Klubi Tartu Maraton MTÜ - Laulupeo pst 25, 51007 Tartu
Phone: +372 515 0360     Fax: +372 7422 536     E-mail: